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公司名称: A&AT Filter-aid Product Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2011 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: Ceramic Water Filters
Tap on faucet water filters
Counter top water filters
Shower water filters
Outdoor water filters
filter cartridge  
公司简介: A&AT (Trademark as DElite) founded as Diatomaceous earth manufacture, we owned our own mine, and processing factory in Jilin province.

On year 2010 we started to study the D.E made end-user consumables, Affordable price and High quality drinking water are the benefits that Ceramic water filters can bring to you. This is our mission as well. Our production of ceramic water filter on 2010, we owned a R&D team, and manufacture floor over 4000 square meters. We are willing to provide high quality products all over the world, make peoples Drink Clean, Drink Safe!

Our Performance

- Highly effective barrier to particles and pathogens
a pore structure down to 0.2 microns to offer maximum protection
- Longer Life
the filters may be cleaned, when used on turbid water, which allows re-use and gives 6-12 months life
- Natural
the ceramic is made from 100% natural earths and activated carbon
- Minerals maintained
the filters do not remove those minerals from the water which are beneficial to health
- Enhanced anti-bacterial properties
ceramics contain trace elements of silver to inhibit microbiological growth on the filter
- Multi-stage filtration in one cartridge
other filter media can be put inside the ceramic filer candle. Activated carbon can be incorporate to remove chlorine, or an ion exchange resin to remove heavy metals such as lead

Most important, DElite Ceramic Water Filter is Environmental friendly product, You can simply crushing them into your garden to enhance the soil. It have no harm to the earth! 
A&AT Filter-aid Product Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 广东省深圳市龙华新区 (518109) / 电话:0755 2370 80 817

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